Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm usually not like this.....

However, this was too good to keep to myself.

Take a shot at the recipe below. If you click on it it should open up to a legible size. Don't leave this recipe lying around where little ones can read it as it contains foul language and violence that may discourage them from eating the dish.

This is a recipe for one of the best-tasting lobster dishes I've ever had, and one of the more impressive dishes I've ever made.

The flavors of this sauce and the way they come together is so good it will give you goose bumps. The richness of the cream and lobster is balanced perfectly by the four types of onions and the lemon finale. Make sure you have a nice crusty baguette as you'll want to dip.

The recipe comes from one of my favorite guys, Tony Bourdain, and is represented here without permission, straight from the Les Halles Cookbook.

Follow the instructions and take your time. The unpleasantness of tearing into a live lobster fades quickly when weighed against the taste of the finished product.

Rather than trying to cut the tail while it's still attached to the lobster, I suggest giving it a good twist and removing it from the rest of the animal before cutting. Don't try cutting the beast with your favorite knife unless it's very heavy-duty.

Thank you Tony.

1 comment:

Michael Palmer said...

Only a guy like you doc could actually pull this of, I would be a little intimidated by those BIG BUGS!!